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Fairfield American Little League

2019 Batting Helmet Policy

Fairfield American Little League (FALL) makes every effort to make sure that our players are as safe as possible while participating in on and off field baseball activities. As of January 1, 2019, FALL has an updated helmet policy and guidance on FALL-approved helmets, consistent with Little League International rules and policies.

Fairfield American Little League Helmet Policy

Effective January 1, 2019, Fairfield American will require all players to wear a helmet certified by the National Operating Committee in Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE). Helmets also need to include an attachment that provides additional protection to the jaw (ex,. C-Flap.)  This additional attachment (ex. C-Flap) is a piece of plastic that extends to cover the batter’s cheek and jaw. Helmets with cage facemasks are also acceptable provided they are NOCSAE-certified. Fairfield American will provide NOCSAE-certified helmets with the additional attachment to protect the jaw at all fields where League games are played. Any player who wishes to wear his or her own helmet must ensure that the helmet complies with NOCSAE standards and this Policy. Fairfield American will not be held responsible for injuries resulting from a player wearing a disqualified helmet in violation of this Policy.

FAQs re Fairfield American’s Helmet Policy

What type of batting helmet does Little League International require?
Little League International requires that all players wear a batting helmet that is certified by NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment).

What is NOCSAE?
National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment. NOCSAE is an independent and nonprofit standards development body with the sole mission to enhance athletic safety through scientific research and the creation of performance standards for athletic development.

How is Fairfield American’s Helmet Policy different than Little League International’s Requirement?
In addition to the NOCSAE certification requirement, FALL also requires all players to wear a helmet that includes an attachment to provide additional protection to the jaw (ex,. C-Flap). This additional attachment (ex. C-Flap) is a piece of plastic that extends to cover the batter’s cheek and jaw. Helmets with cage facemasks are also acceptable provided they are NOCSAE-certified.  Fairfield American has strongly encouraged all players to wear a helmet with the additional jaw guard or facemask for the past several years as we believe this additional precaution promotes safety by further protecting a batter’s cheek and jaw, reducing the likelihood of a batter getting hit in the face with a pitched or batted ball. While Little League International requires all helmets to be NOCSAE-certified, LLI does not require additional attachment.

Where can I find more information about Little League International's batting helmet policy, NOCSAE rule, and what would cause a manufacturer to void the NOCSAE certification of my child's helmet, making it illegal to use in Little League play?
Little League International has a very helpful page on their website to respond to inquiries from families, players, and volunteers as to whether or not specific helmets are permitted in Little League play.
Are NOCSAE-certified helmets with attachments now available for purchase?
Yes, and FALL has purchased a supply of NOCSAE-certified helmets with jaw guards from Boombah, and we will ensure that there are NOCSAE certified helmets with jaw guards at each field where games are played. For players who prefer to use their own batting helmet, the following helmet manufacturers are now producing helmets with jaw guards that meet NOCSAE certification requirements:
  • Easton-
  • Boombah-
  • Rawlings-

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Fairfield American Little League

857 Post Road, PO Box 361
Fairfield, Connecticut 06824

Email Us: [email protected]
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